There are obviously instances where certain machines are related by business process rather than an actual identifiable link.
My solution to this was to do the following: Allow for an import of a CSV file with a list of hostnames (just hostname, not FQDN) - loop through these and put each one into maintenance mode.
So simple. Here's the PS script (check comments for usage):
#Right, this is pretty simple. Use as follows:
#To put a BULK list of computers into maintenance mode, you will need a CSV Formatted with ONE column - that being the hostname of the machine.
#!!!!! VERY NB !!!!!!!!!!! VERY NB !!!!!!
#1) Make sure the first column is titled HostName otherwise this won't work!
#!!!!! VERY NB !!!!!!!!!!! VERY NB !!!!!!
#2) Change the $rootMS to the correct RMS.
#3) Usage is as follows: .
# Start Maintenance Mode: ./mm.ps1 START PathToCSVFile "Maintenance Mode Reason (be sure to encase in quotation marks like here)" DurationInHours
# Stop Maintenance Mode: ./mm.ps1 STOP PathToCSVFile
# Note: If you don't have START or STOP as your first parameter the script will not continue.
#4) This script implements strict error handling. A summary of each operation will be displayed after the operation has completed.
#5) If any errors are encountered, these are trapped and will be saved in CSV format in C:\errorMaintenanceMode.csv
param($action, $pathToCSV, $maintenanceModeReason, $durationHours)
$rootMS = "RMS"
if(([string]$action.CompareTo("START") -ne 0) -and ([string]$action.CompareTo("STOP") -ne 0))
Write-Host "Can't continue without a START or STOP action. Please read the comments in this .ps1 file for instructions."
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
Set-Location "OperationsManagerMonitoring::" -ErrorVariable errSnapin;
New-ManagementGroupConnection -ConnectionString:$rootMS -ErrorVariable errSnapin;
Set-Location $rootMS -ErrorVariable errSnapin;
$computers = Import-Csv $pathToCSV
$resultsetCollection = @();
$currObjMaintDesc = "Bulk Maintenance Mode Update. Reason Given: " + $maintenanceModeReason
$startTime = [System.DateTime]::Now
$endTime = $startTime.AddHours($durationHours)
foreach($currentObj in $computers)
$currentObjName = $currentObj.HostName
$computerClass = Get-MonitoringClass -name:Microsoft.Windows.Computer
$computerCriteria = "DisplayName matches '(?i:" + $currentObjName + ")\.'"
$computer = Get-Monitoringobject -monitoringclass:$computerClass -criteria:$computerCriteria
if($action.ToUpper() -eq 'START')
"Starting Maintenance Mode on: " + $currentObjName
New-MaintenanceWindow -startTime:$startTime -endTime:$endTime -monitoringObject:$computer -comment:$currObjMaintDesc
elseif($action.ToUpper() -eq 'STOP')
"Stopping Maintenance Mode on: " + $currentObjName
Set-MaintenanceWindow -monitoringObject:$computer -endTime:$startTime
if(-not $?)
$errorFound = $true
$resultObj = "" | Select HostName, Status, ErrorMessage
$resultObj.HostName = $currentObjName
$resultObj.Status = "Failed"
$resultObj.ErrorMessage = $error[0]
$resultsetCollection += $resultObj
$resultObj = "" | Select HostName, Status, ErrorMessage
$resultObj.HostName = $currentObjName
$resultObj.Status = "Successful"
$resultObj.ErrorMessage = "No errors reported during operation"
$resultsetCollection += $resultObj
Write-Host "Errors were encountered whilst trying to update computers. Please see the file c:\errorMaintenanceMode.ps1 for Error Info."
$resultsetCollection | Export-Csv "c:\errorMaintenanceMode.csv"
Write-Host "Completed entire Bulk Maintenance Mode Operation without any errors."
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