Monday, February 8, 2010

Stuff to help you with these products, yo

Right, so here's the deal:

There's a few of us working for a rather large, rather international company - we make sure a whole lot of servers are working most of the time.

I'm sure if any of you have ever worked with OpsMgr and/or SCCM, you will know that these products are quite large and the documentation/help isn't all that great.

This blog is two-fold: it's going to help us categorise all the things we've done and also serve to contribute to the System Center community.

Our team is as follows:

DT: SCCM - he's been using this product for years. I know stuff all about it so any post regarding this topic will definitely be from him.

AB - SQL - despite what you may think, there are some things you cannot do with the SDK. If the data is there, Andre will find a way to use it.

RN - MP Authoring - need help understanding relationships? Hosted entities? Abstrat classes? Eh...

CM - Infrastructure - installing Gateways, Management Servers, Certificate Authentication, etc.

KC - SDK, Powershell, Custom OpsMgr applications, MP Authoring, general blog writer.


So here's hoping this won't turn into yet another "one post" blog.

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